Thursday 29 September 2011

Sleepless (Non ho Sonno)

This film has been on my mind recently as a film that needs a positive review in order  to thrust it into mainstream cinema. Now I know my review is basically worthless when compared to a review from a professional critic but I give the good reviews critics are afraid to give because a good reveiw is nof fun to write.
I take great joy in telling you sleepless is a very indepth look at the psychology surrounding those who call themeselves killers. The film begins years after a series of gruesome murders for which a young childrens writer is blamed. Years later the killings start up again with all the same symbols including small paper animals keft at the scenes of the crimes with each victim killed in a unique way. The police suspect a copycat killer but retired detective Moretti (Max von Sydow) thinks they never caught the real killer.

Saturday 17 September 2011


Last night I watched the 1972 thriller Fright though the title may lead you to beleive it is a horror it is a classsic tale of a man driven to madness and hunted by the police. When a young student named Amanda is invited to babysit a three year old child when his mother and adoptive father are going out with a friend the boy's biological father who has just escaped from a mental institution attacks the house killing Amanda's boyfriend and threatning to kill her, the child and himself if the police try to interfere.

This has opened me to the idea of madness and it's use as an important plot point in the thriller genre.

Sunday 11 September 2011

a bitter feast

Recently on the advice of my teacher I watched a thriller in order to better comprehend the conventions of the genre. I watched the 2010 thriller Bitter Feast about a restauranteur and TV chef who is driven insane when bad reviews from a biased critic and his stand on organic ingredients get his TV show cancelled and his restaurant shut down. He kidnaps the critic and forces him to earn his food by cooking it himself. He forces the critic to cook foods that he criticised and only lets him eat them if they are cooked to perfection.

This film carries a message about the importance of well being and also an example of the red hood principle. "All it takes is one bad day to drive the sanest man alive to lunacy."
overall rating 8/10

Wednesday 7 September 2011