Thursday 24 November 2011

Thriller Questionnaire

   1.   What is your favourite movie genre?
2.  What do you look for in the opening of a movie?
3.  If you had to choose a Thriller sub-genre what would it be? i.e. Crime-Thriller, Psychological-Thriller
4. If you had to choose, what would be your favourite Thriller movie?
5. What do you like about that movie? i.e. the tension it creates.
6. Where do you personally think is the best place to shoot a Thriller Opening?
7. Have you ever turned a movie after 5 minutes? If ‘Yes’ why?
8. What would you want to happen in the opening to a Thriller movie, in order to keep your attention and to keep you asking questions?
Narrative Script

I knew you … Ha … Well I did know you before the accident. You only killed for the state, now you just kill for revenge? You’re an animal. I remember that mission, we knew what we had to do it was easy, easier than 1, 2, 3, but it was just after your daughter had been brutally murdered. You thought they were responsible, you took it to heart, and you went after Belakov on your own personal mission,
(Stands up) you jeopardised the whole mission! (Sits back down)
You, I and McNeal were taken, tortured. But they took you away … We thought you were dead … Well you were dead, you came back looking for answers. And here they are. (Pushes pictures of Belakov across table) That’s him, you were right he did take your daughter, but he didn’t kill her, our sources stay she’s still alive … being held, but we don’t know where, if you wish to find her … You must take Belakov alive. That wont be easy … He’s heavily guarded 24/7. He knows we’ll be coming, that’s why we need you cause after all you … are … dead …
This post also taken from John Hughes Blog

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